At the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Agenda 21, a “blueprint for sustainable development” was established and signed. Chapter 13, “Managing Fragile Ecosystems: Sustainable Mountain Development” included as its mandate the generation and strengthening of knowledge about the ecology and sustainable development of mountain ecosystems. During the 30 years since the creation of Chapter 13, significant progress and improvements have been made in mountain biodiversity conservation, cultural conservation, education, scientific research methods, tourism development, and art. Under the banner of “Science for Sustainable Mountain Development,” the purpose of the Second International Conference on Sustainable Mountain Development and Tourism is to explore and celebrate each of these sectors from the perspective of globally renowned professionals and practitioners from the physical and social sciences, education, development, art, filmmaking, tourism, and conservation. This year’s venue will be the beautiful mountain city of Pokhara, central Nepal.
Prof. Dr. Teiji Watanabe
Dr. Alton C. Byers
Dr. Dhananjay Regmi
Dhana Raj Acharya (Pokhara Metropolitan City, Nepal)
Ram Avtar (Hokkaido University and GLP Japan Nodal Office, Japan)
Alton C. Byers (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
Mohan B. Chand (Himalayan Cryosphere Research Centre, Nepal)
Biswajit Roy Chowdhury (SAIARD, India)
Motilal Ghimire (Tribhuvan University, Nepal)
Rijan Bhakta Kayastha (Kathmandu University, Nepal)
Narendra Raj Khanal (Geomorphological Society of Nepal)
Durga Khatiwada (Institute of Science and Technology, Prithvi Narayan Campus, Nepal)
Dhananjay Regmi (Nepal Tourism Board, Nepal)
Milan Shrestha (Arizona State University, USA)
Teiji Watanabe (Hokkaido University and GLP Japan Nodal Office, Japan)

Earth Science